Supporting innovative ideas and collaborations that result in increased regional sourcing by New England’s educational institutions.


The Henry P. Kendall Foundation provides catalytic support to organizations and leaders in pursuit of greater production and consumption of food sustainably grown and harvested in New England. A strong regional food system improves our health, our economy, and our environment. The Foundation believes educational institutions are important community resources and economic engines. Where and how they direct their purchasing clout can strengthen local supply relationships. Similarly, how they prepare and deliver menu items can engage students as more aware and active participants in the region’s food system.

Opportunity for Your Organization

The 2023 New England Food Vision Prize will award up to $1 million in awards to projects that build resiliency, relationships, and capacity within New England’s educational institution food supply chain. Prize awards may range from $25,000 up to $200,000.


A primary objective of this program is to foster collaboration and create new ways of working together on shared challenges and goals. At least one educational institution (K-12 or higher education) should be identified as a direct beneficiary of the project. A letter of support will be required from this institution. Primary applicants must be nonprofit organizations or a government agency, including a municipality.

Applicant teams might include:

  • Farms / food harvesters / producers
  • Food hubs
  • Processors
  • Network organizations
  • Community-based organizations
  • Municipal departments/initiatives
  • Higher education institutions
  • K-12 schools or school districts
  • Additional institutions (healthcare, corrections)

While for-profit businesses may participate as project partners, the primary applicant receiving grant funds from the Kendall Foundation must be a nonprofit organization, government entity, or municipality.


  • Measurable Impact: In addition to measurable increases in the sourcing of regional food within K-12 or higher education dining programs, this project has the potential to deliver replicable, scalable, or breakthrough solutions that support our region’s march toward the 50×60 vision. It is clear what difference this project will make in the local/regional institutional supply chain and who will benefit as a result. 
  • Collaborative: Funding would be used to further relationships and collaboration between institutional food procurement/supply chain partner(s) and at least one identified educational institution.
  • Regional: A majority of the food associated with the project should be produced in New England. 
  • Equitable: The project includes specific action to address injustice and inequity in the food system. This includes but is not limited to engaging stakeholders in decision making, incorporating equity commitments in contract and vendor selection, and developing timelines that allow for authentic relationship building. 
  • Sustainable: There is a clear plan for how the project will be managed during the grant period and how the project will continue beyond the initial grant period.

Use of Funding

Examples of possible uses of funding include the following: 

  • Infrastructure investment 
  • Equipment purchase 
  • Capacity and staffing 
  • Training and certification 
  • Marketing and awareness building 
  • Revolving Loan Fund 

Funding may not be used for: 

  • The purchase of food 
  • Endowment 

Prize proposals may range from $25,000 to $200,000, and should include the staffing costs, marketing needs, equipment purchases, capital improvements, etc. The applicants should indicate how many years it will take to fully implement the project. A two-year project is permissible.

Application & Selection Process

April 24, 2023 : Prize Announcement 

May 18th, 2023  |  3-4pm ET : Prize Webinar: Overview and Q&A 
Couldn’t attend this year’s Prize webinar? Watch the recording here.

June 16, 2023 : Deadline for Letters of Interest 
Letters will briefly explain the idea, how it meets the criteria, and what institutions and partners will collaborate to realize the goal. Letters should be no longer than two pages.

Letters of Interest can be submitted here starting April 24th

July 10, 2023 : Invitation for Full Proposal 
The Foundation will review all submitted Letters of Interest and invite a subset of teams to submit full proposals for consideration. 

August 25, 2023 : Proposal Deadline 
Proposals will expand on the original idea to include responses to a series of prompts, which will be the basis upon which applicants will be judged by the review committee. 

September, 2023 : Proposal Review Period 
Depending on the size of the request, applicants may be asked to schedule a video call with members of the review committee. During this period, an external review committee will meet and make recommendations to the Foundation team. 

November 3, 2023 : Recipients Notified 
After approval by the Foundation board, Prize winners will be notified. 

Prize winners will be expected to update the Foundation on their progress periodically and will be invited to connect with other Prize winners to share progress, knowledge, and experiences related to their work. 


Do you have a seed of an idea but need to talk it out? Are you looking for partners? Are you wondering whether your organization or idea fits this program? Send us an email! We’ll be glad to answer your questions or connect you with one of our current grantee partner organizations who can provide you with support.
